This is my final Midnighter cover. As a matter of fact it's my final work on the Midnighter series. I decided to quit the book for various reasons a month or two ago, even though I've been considering it for far longer. I briefly considered doing work for Marvel, but Wildstorm offered me a project I just couldn't turn down. The good news is that we've begun the new project almost a year in advance of it's first issue shipping date--this thing WILL be on time! It's also just an amazingly fun book to draw, and the scripts are fantastic--very exciting! The bad news is that I have been asked not to talk about the specifics or show anyone any artwork until the project is announced in November or December. So, it'll look like I've dropped off the face of the Earth for a while, as far as my presence on the racks at comic shops goes. I'll be working away feverishly on this new thing, though, and I'm looking forward to finally showing off some of the new art I've been producing!
In other news, an actual big-time Hollywood studio has "set up" Ocean--not 100% clear on what that means, but basically it appears this studio has actually committed to making the movie with the Hollywood Gang production company(the guys who purchased the rights to Ocean). I'll give more details when the paperwork is signed and I actually know something concrete. And for those of you expecting me to pick up the dinner check at the next convention or give out really nice sportscars for Christmas presents, I should mention that absolutely no money has changed hands yet. I'm still just a starving artist.
Finally, if you're in the Baltimore/Washington D.C. area next weekend(September 7-8), come see us at the Baltimore Comic-Con. Here's a link so you can get directions and a little more info on the convention. This will be the last con I attend for a while (Mid-Ohio Con in November is the real last one I'll do this year). Like I said above, I can't show anything from the new project, but I'll have lots of other artwork for sale and display, and--as always--will be happy to talk comics, movies & music or just shoot the breeze with folks I haven't seen in long time.