NOTB Sketch Gallery 2
Here are some more sketchbook pieces...

Apparently more people are reading this blog than I realized... ...including someone at DC Comics who has asked that I stop posting artwork from Number of the Beast until after it's been seen publicly elsewhere. So, to play it completely safe and until or unless I hear otherwise, when I post NOTB artwork I'll only be posting sketchbook material which will never be published in the series or anywhere else. I'm sure someone will let me know if this is a problem as well. For now, here are some of my earliest Number of the Beast sketches from last summer...I hope they'll make up for the missing three character designs which will probably turn up someday on Newsarama before finally being published as bonus material in the backs of the individual issues(that's the plan, anyway).

Double page spread from Number of the Beast #1, introducing the superhero characters
Engine Joe, The Aeronaut, The Thrush, and Falconette
As a few of you have already noticed, Wildstorm finally broke the news about the series I've been working on. Click HERE to see that story on, which includes four fully finished color pages from the first issue of the Number of the Beast series. Starting later tonight(probably) I'll begin posting daily or semi-daily images, either pencilled pages or some of the 26 or so new character designs I've done so far. Right now, however, I need to get back to work--this book has to ship on time(we're on schedule and half-way through the series, so it's looking good...)!--C
The Cat's Almost Out Of The Bag... has posted an interview with comic writers Christos Gage and Scott Beatty and way down at the bottom is the first mention of the new project I've been working on for the last several months--the first mention that reveals any details, anyway. More will be revealed soon, and I hope to start showing some art here on this blog any day now. Click HERE to read the interview.
This is obviously one of those posts that will be of no interest to non-comics fans, but at least there's a cute photo above of Jess-Belle and her new Christmas present that everyone can enjoy!Hope everyone had a good holiday!--C