More Surprises Today! I didn't get my complimentary copies of the "After Watchmen What's Next?" version of Tom Strong #1 today, so Xan and I ran out to the local comic shop (The Laughing Ogre) and grabbed a couple of copies. Buried in the middle of the reprint of the first issue of Tom Strong was the following advertisement(click on the image for a larger version of the picture, or better yet, go out and buy the AWWN? Tom Strong #1 to see the actual ad because my scan is kind of crappy): This was almost as unexpected and exciting as the box of Modern Masters books from earlier today! Maybe news about the Ocean film is next...
I'm thinking my next blog will be about how impatient I am to find a million bucks in my mailbox...
Wednesday, July 08, 2009
I feel kind of stupid now--stupid but happy...After my post last night about how impatient I was for certain things (my Modern Masters book, for example) I woke up this morning to find a box full of Modern Masters Vol. 21 waiting for me on my doorstep, fresh from the printer! The book looks great and even managed to surprise me with a very nice and touching introduction written by Karl Story--thanks, Karl! I also want to thank Eric Nolen-Weathington for getting it all started and overseeing everything, and also for dealing with my control-freakish tendencies when it came to art selection. Todd Dezago also deserves massive thanks and appreciation for keeping me talking and bringing out some good stuff in the interviews we did. Thanks, guys!
Like I said in an earlier post, I feel neither modern nor like a master of anything, but this book turned out pretty spiffy! I'm guessing it'll be in stores next Wednesday. --C
Tuesday, July 07, 2009
Is No News Really Good News? There are a few things going on in my career recently that I've been waiting for impatiently--at times, it seems like nothing's ever moving forward! The wait for Modern Masters Vol. 21, for instance, is driving me nuts! The book's publishing date keeps getting pushed back, as it did once again last week, this time to July 15. That's right around the corner, but we've been there before...
Another thing I've been anxious about is an upcoming trip to Spain for a convention appearance. I was invited last year and have been waiting for news ever since. Something positive to report on this front, though: today I noticed the convention's website has been updated and there's even a tentative GUEST LIST in place. Yay!
Then there's the Ocean movie adaptation--absolutely no movement there for...ever.Maybe this is typical with Hollywood, maybe not.
Finally, I've been waiting for some sort of nod from the powers-that-be so I can start promoting the upcoming Tom Strong and the Robots of Doom series I've been working on all year. I'd like to show off some art and start talking up the series instead of just teasing and dropping hints. I don't want to give away plot points or spoil the story for anyone, I just love this book want to share some of what I've been doing lately. I know I say this every time I post these days, but, I'll post some art from the series soon...
...for now, here's another weird little sketchbook piece: --C
Saturday, July 04, 2009
I got the official invitation from the Mid-Ohio Con guys this week, so if you're in Columbus, OH over the weekend of October 3rd & 4th, come to the con and see us! Click HERE to get all the details straight from the source. I'm sure I'll blog more about the show as the date approaches. --C