- I haven't been to a convention in over a decade where I didn't see someone dressed up like a stormtrooper, and this festival kept that tradition going!

Top to bottom:
- outdoor sketching at the cafe
- the dealer tent just outside the Aviles Cultural Center
- Spanish fans enjoying their comics outdoors

- the town hall at night
- poster for the festival in the town square
- a local church we saw during one of our nighttime walks around the city

- talking with my hands too much during my presentation in the Cultural Center
- signing and sketching
- Spanish Tom Strong albums

- Meeting with the mayor of Aviles
- a local news photographer has me pose on the mayor's balcony
- the festival was city-wide--here a young girl looks at comic pages exhibited in the local shopping mall...when we saw these pages up close, we realized the poor girl had probably been scarred for life...

Xan & I spent a lot of time walking around the city taking photos of unusual storefronts and signage. Here are some of my favorites, clockwise:
- This store's name translates as "The King of Ham..."
- ...and here's "The Royal House of Ham
- This restaurant sign seems to suggest that the Octopus you can order from the menu will pour it's own drawn butter, or perhaps that the bartender has tentacles...

- a lunch of tapas and cider
- fellow comics pros Rodney Ramos and Renee Witterstaetter
- carved and painted seal in a park at the Cultural Center

Top to bottom:
- one of the many fine restaurants we enjoyed
- here are some of the festival organizers at dinner, including the wonderful German and Jorge
- and speaking of wonderful, here's Fables artist Mark Buckingham with the sketch he did for Xan

Top to bottom:
- fans and pros head to a local bar/disco in the wee hours of the morning
- comics letterer extraordinaire Ken Lopez and me
- Christine and Jim Cheung; Jim was one of the hardest working pros at the con, often sketching at dinner and long into the night

Comic pro guests, top to bottom:
- Mark Buckingham and Lady Buckhingham, the delightful Irma
- Doug Braithwaite and wife Sue
- Gary Erskine and his partner Mhairi with Hello Kitty and Rodney Ramos in the background

More pros, top to bottom:
- Fiona Stephenson and Dean Ormston
- Herb Trimpe and wife Patricia
- Scott Hampton and wife Letitia with Patricia Trimpe

Gijon, top to bottom:
- the harbor
- the lovely Xan overlooking the sea with German and Mhairi in the background
- German, Irma and other guests reach the top of the cliffs overlooking the sea at Gijon

More Gijon, top to bottom:
- local open air market
- just one of the examples of amazing architecture from this city
- a view of Gijon from the beach