Time Masters: Vanishing Point Cover Starting next month DC Comics is publishing a series called Time Masters: Vanishing Point, a spin-off/tie-in to Batman: The Return of Bruce Wayne. I drew a variant cover for the first issue of Time Masters immediately after finishing my Bruce Wayne issue, and today the official DC blog previewed the finished color art. You can see the piece above or click HERE to go to the post at the DC blog. I think the colors are by Dave McCaig (who colored our Bruce Wayne cover)--at least that's who inker Karl Story and I begged editor Mike Carlin to get for the job...Anyway, I think the big central figure on the cover resembles my take on Bruce Wayne's face a bit too much, but I was very happy to get to finally draw the real Batman again! Also, I believe this piece marks the first time I've drawn Green Lantern (the classic Hal Jordan version) for publication.
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Tom Strong and the Robots of Doom Interview Above: Pencil art from Tom Strong and the Robots of Doom #2
While waiting for issue #2 of Tom Strong and the Robots of Doom to ship, writer Peter Hogan and I have done another online interview promoting the series. Click HERE to read the interview at Crave Online.
Meanwhile, the DC Comics Bat-Office has informed Grant, Karl and I that Batman: The Return of Bruce Wayne #1 has not only sold through it's initial print run, but the second printing is now sold out as well! A 3rd printing is in the works...
Thursday, June 10, 2010
Bruce Wayne Knocks 'em Out Bruce Wayne triumphant in the pencil art for a page from Batman: The Return of Bruce Wayne #1
Exciting news today: not only did Batman: The Return of Bruce Wayne #1 sell out fairly quickly in May, it was the top-selling DC comic book that month and the third top-selling comic from any publisher! It's been very strange and fascinating to be involved in all of this...a new experience to be sure!
Happy Birthday, Mike! Today is my brother Mike's birthday, so in his "honor" I'll continue my tradition of posting goofy childhood photos on my family members' birthdays: Above: Mike and I doing...God only knows what...sometime in the 70's, when everyone looked ridiculous --C
Toronto Panel Audio Posted While attending the Toronto Fan Appreciation Event as a guest this past weekend, I did a panel discussion/lecture kind of thing called "From Panel to Page." I discussed my working methods and creative thought process, prompted by a great moderator and his slide show of several prelims and layouts. While you can't see the slide show, you can listen to an audio recording of the "lecture" posted at Bleedingcool.com. Click HERE and scroll down towards the bottom of the page.
Tom Strong and the Robots of Doom #1 Reviews and More... Above: My favorite panel from Robots of Doom #1, made better than I could have hoped by Karl Story's fantastic inking
Had a good day signing and hanging out at The Laughing Ogre on High Street in Columbus, OH yesterday. The book looks great and I had fun talking all day to customers, the shop staff, fans and comics writer Sean McKeever who was also in attendance, signing his new Marvel comic, Young Allies #1. I forgot to take any photos, however...Oh, well...thanks to everyone who came out and picked up a copy of Robots of Doom #1!My final Human Target short story (in Human Target #5) also came out yesterday, and customers bought out the last few issues of Return of Bruce Wayne #1 the Ogre had in stock--all in all, a good day!
Here are some links to a few reviews of Tom Strong and the Robots of Doom #1:
In other news, the official Wildstorm blog posted the finished color version of my double WildC.A.T.S./Authority cover this morning and announced which issues the covers would be gracing(WildC.A.T.S. #27 and The Authority #26 , both on sale Sept. 2010). Click HERE (or just look below) to see the piece. --C
Wednesday, June 09, 2010
New Art Added to the Art Sales Site Just added a bunch of new pages and covers to my original art sales site, the SprouseNet Art Emporium, including the pieces you see above and below, plus a small number of Batman: The Return of Bruce Wayne pages (more to come later) and art from Tom Strong and the Robots of Doom. Click HERE if you're interested! --C
Tuesday, June 08, 2010
Tom Strong and the Robots of Doom #1: Out Tomorrow(I hope)! Let's try this again: the first issue of Tom Strong and the Robots of Doom is supposed to FINALLY hit comic store shelves tomorrow. I'll be signing at The Laughing Ogre in Columbus, Ohio (for real this time!) to celebrate the return of Tom and family to comics. Click HERE for details on the signing. Stop by if you're in the area!
Click HERE for a short interview with Robots of Doom writer Peter Hogan and myself on Brokenfrontier.com. Speaking of signings and such, Xan and I just returned from the Toronto Fan Expo's Fan Appreciation Event, where we had a pretty good time! I sketched non-stop and signed a gajillion more Return of Bruce Wayne comics, while Xan visited friend Sara on Saturday then did all the fun con stuff I wish I could have done on Sunday. We took a different route home this time and were able to see Niagara Falls for the first time. We'll probably be going back to Toronto in August for the big con they'll be throwing, and we've already decided we may go stay in Niagara for a day before the show starts.
--C Using my "'splainin' hands" at my panel at the Toronto Fan Appreciation Event Xan at Niagara Falls