Xan and I spent this past weekend at the Toronto Fan Expo, a convention catering to aficionados of science fiction, horror movies, anime and comics. Thanks to some severely unpleasant traffic, we ended up arriving late on Friday, but I was still in time to be on the DC Nation Panel with DC Comics honcho Dan Didio and artists Jeff Lemire, Ethan Van Sciver, Francis Manapul and writer Brian Azarello. After that, I was off to Artists' Alley to sign and sketch for the unfailingly nice and friendly Canadian fans. Saturday started off well, with me arriving early and producing some sketches I was actually pleased with for a change. Xan walked the con floor, visiting the Tron booth which featured huge displays of Tron props, toys and various merchandise. She also caught the Tron Legacy panel with Bruce Boxleitner and managed to see a few of the many other celebrity guests--a large and surprising selection which included David Cronenberg, Ernest Borgnine, Lance Henriksen, William Shatner, Stan Lee and many more. As the day wore on and the crowd grew and the temperature inside rose, I signed at the DC Comics booth and sketched for hours, finally leaving the building just in time to join Xan and the DC staffers and freelancers for good food and great conversation at a local Italian restaurant. Thanks go to Dan, Fletcher, Matt and Vince (who I've known ever since I got into this biz) for showing us a fine time! Sunday, the con floor seemed just as crowded and I worked just as hard as I had the previous day. Xan shopped the dealers' room and kept me company for a while before leaving to visit friends Sara and Henning and their kids that night.

The very large Tron display
Lance Henriksen (left) and Ernest Borgnine (right)
The view from my table in Artists' Alley: Jill Thompson--still managing to sketch
while plagued by a Brain Slug Xan bought her, and Tim Bradstreet
Monday morning we headed South towards the States again, stopping and spending the rest of the day exploring and enjoying both the Canadian and U.S. sides of Niagara Falls before driving back home that night. I'd like to say "thanks!" to all of the fans who stopped by during the con, to the DC guys who treated us very well, and to Tiz and the rest of the con staff for inviting us and taking care of us!
Niagara Falls, as seen from Canada
Xan flagrantly disobeys the rules...as usual...
Double rainbows with the Rainbow Bridge in the far background
Xan has some good cheesy fun
Looking for Lois Lane on the U.S. side of the Falls