New Art For Sale! I just posted lots of new pieces over on the art sales site, Sprousenet art Emporium, including many Batman: The Return of Bruce Wayne pages I haven't listed before as well as some other goodies. Check it out! --C
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
Birmingham Comicon I'll be attending my first convention in the UK later this year. I've been invited to be a guest at the Birmingham Comicon in Birmingham, England, and I can't wait! I'll be meeting writer Peter Hogan for the first time at the show, after having worked together off and on over the last decade. The week after the convention, Peter and I will be doing a store signing in London--more on that later. Here's another image I borrowed from the Birmingham Comicon site: It kind of blows my mind sometimes when I think about the younger me as an aspiring cartoonist just hoping to draw anything at all for a living, and now there's my work sharing space with Dave Gibbons and Alan Davis. Weird...sometimes things happen in my job that almost make me forget the long hours, no job security and complete lack of health coverage, sick days and paid vacation time...
Long Overdue Update I haven't posted in a while, mostly because I've been so busy with work (I'm right in the middle of Tom Strong and the Planet of Peril, the follow up to Tom Strong and the Robots of Doom). I'm still swamped but I don't want this blog to get too stagnant, so here's a glorified photo essay covering what Xan and I have been up to over the last few months in addition to slaving over hot drawing boards/computers (as always, click on any photo for a closer look/larger image): We've attended a few concerts in our free time, including Teenage Fanclub and Yo La Tengoshows in Pittsburgh, British Sea Power in Cleveland, and the Posies right here in Columbus... Norman Blake of Teenage Fanclub (left); Yo La Tengo and their spinning wheel of songs (right)
The Posies offer an impromptu after-show song at the merch table (left); British Sea Power in Cleveland (right)
...and recently, Xan has been doing some fun and interesting shopping... Xan reenacting a scene from either Hamlet or Indiana Hess and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull Vodka (left); Xan's Record Store Day purchases(right) Guess which one she bought for me...
Of course, we've done a few comic conventions on weekends as well. We hit Mid-Ohio Con late last year as usual (it's our local big convention), then made another jaunt to Toronto for the Toronto Fan Expo's Fan Appreciation Event (a smaller free convention) with our customary stop to play around in Niagara Falls. This time we explored some of the Canadian side's goofier/tackier offferings which included quite a few fiberglass monsters and animals and more wax museums than one town should have. Finally, last weekend was Free Comic Book Day, a nationwide event designed to promote comics shops and the comics industry in general. Packrat Comics in Hilliard, Ohio invited me to set up at their own little mini-con they put on to celebrate the day, so Xan and I spent the day talking with comics fans and giving away lots of extra copies of my own books which have been piling up since I started working in comics back in the early '90's.
Me and Barry Kitson at Mid-Ohio Con
A Pterodactyl (top) and the weather turns ominous at Niagara Falls
Free Comic Book Day at Packrat Comics in Hilliard, OH
Note: I've used a few photos taken by people other than Xan or myself in this post, so if the original photographers object and want me to remove their images, please let me know and I will happily comply.