Forbidden Planet London Signing I'll be going to England for the Birmingham Comicon in August, but once the show's over, Xan and I are going down to London to play around. While there, I'll be doing a signing with Peter Hogan at the Forbidden Planet Megastore, 179 Shaftesbury Avenue, London, WC2H 8JR, on Thursday, September 1 from 6PM to 7PM. Click HERE to go to the Forbidden Planet site for more info or just to do some shopping! I should mention that if you're hoping to get a sketch from me, you'll have a much better chance at the Birmingham Comicon--the single hour provided for the Forbidden Planet signing means I will almost certainly not have time to draw anything there.
Wednesday, June 15, 2011
Peter Hogan Interview Last time I mentioned that I'd post when writer Peter Hogan's interview went up. Well, click HERE to go to Amazon's blog Omnivoracious to read Peter's interview promoting the Tom Strong and the Robots of Doom collection--which is in stores and on sale at right now! --C
Wednesday, June 08, 2011
New Interview at
Last week I did an interview for Alex Carr at's blog Omnivoracious in order to promote the Tom Strong and the Robots of Doom trade paperback collection. The interview has just been posted--click HERE to go directly to it. Peter Hogan was also interviewed, and I'll post a link to that as soon as it's up.While I'm at it, HERE's a link to Alex's take on the original Tom Strong series.
Monday, June 06, 2011
Even More New Art For Sale! I just listed lots and lots of new Tom Strong original pages for sale over on my art sales site, SprouseNet Art Emporium. There are even pages from the upcoming Tom Strong and the Planet of Peril #1 (plus an unused finished pencil page from #2). The prices are listed at the top of the site, and if you scroll down you can see clickable/enlargeable images of every page up for sale. --C