Friday, December 21, 2007

Lazy Day

We haven't posted a picture of the little girl lately, so here's one now!
On a cold cloudy day like today it's hard to resist just curling up
with this little furball and napping the hours away.

I'm taking a day off from drawing today just to get a few non-work related things done for a change. I've been working so much lately that even Christmas shopping and the post office are going to feel like pleasant diversions!

Speaking of things that aren't work, my sister Megan and her son Aaron moved to Columbus this Fall, and we've been babysitting occasionally. We've had Aaron over for a few marathon video game sessions, and I took him to see Bee Movie a couple of weeks ago. Last night we went out for dinner to celebrate Megan's birthday.

Other than that, we've pretty much just been preparing for the holiday or battling Winter colds (as well as the winter cold).

My next post will probably be after Christmas, so Happy Holidays everyone!

1 comment:

Neil Hill said...

Ah, being lazy while laying in a sunbeam- sounds good to me. :-)

Been awhile since I've seen your work on the stands Chris (well, maybe a month or so), and I hope that horrendous oversight is rectified toot sweet!

Happy Holidays!