The first issue of DC's new Human Target comic goes on sale today. This issue contains a five page short story by Peter Johnson (one of the producers of the TV series), myself and Karl Story. You can check out the story in its entirety (plus the cover and an introduction page by the book's regular creative team) on the DC Comics website. Don't let the free virtual pages keep you from buying the comic, though...
Also, don't write nasty sarcastic comments on message boards about Chance's scar being on the wrong side in my story...I'm well aware that I screwed up...!
Well, the stuff I wrote about Chance's scar being on the wrong side in my Human Target story probably makes no sense to anyone who's seen the printed comic. Apparently someone caught my goof and flip-flopped the offending panels. It looks a little weird in the final product, and they didn't fix the panel with the knife on the third page, but it's better than leaving it as it was. Above is the messed-up panel from the final page and below is the bottom part of the other page as I originally drew it, goofs and all!
that was a great little action sequence- well done, man!
hello chris! i'm kris zullo and i'm great fan of your clean line art. and always i leaned with you. congratulations and sorry my worst english.
Hey Chris- I had some quick questions about your upcoming appearance at the Planet Comic Con in Kansas City and couldn't find any other way to contact you. Could you email me at doyledodd@gmail.com and let me know details (availability, price) of getting a sketch from you that weekend. I'm trying to figure out if I'm really going to this Con or not and you are a big factor in the equation. Thanks, Doyle
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