Both DC Comics.com and Newsarama.com have posted previews of the lettered and colored first four pages of Batman: The Return of Bruce Wayne #1 (plus all the variant covers with logos). Click HERE for the DC preview (higher-res images) or HERE to see it at Newsarama (launch the image viewer when you get there). This is the first time I've seen it all together myself--the color art composited with the lettering--and it has me even more excited for next Wednesday when everyone gets to see the finished book!
Also--forgot to mention yesterday that there's a small Tom Strong and the Robots of Doom #1 preview downloadable PDF file over at the official Wildstorm site. Click HERE for that (you can right-click on the word HERE and save the file to your desktop if you want or just click normally to view it on your computer).

Update: Other websites are posting the preview, such as Comicbookresources.com. Even Wired.com is getting in on the act! This could get interesting...
I just read Batman: The Return of Bruce Wayne #1 and I just have to say: Man, what an incredible job! I've always loved your work but this is jaw-droppingly awesome! This is some of the most exhilaratingly slick storytelling I've seen in too long a time and I wish you were doing the other issues. Still this will hold me until next month when Tom Strong returns. Anyway, I'm really stoked and just wanted to shout it out!
Wow! Thanks, Hiroshi! I'm nervous and a bit sleepless worrying about the signing I have scheduled for tomorrow. It's at least reassuring to know the book's actually shipped and will be there when I arrive!
I agree with Hiroshi. This might be (and I love all of your work) your best stuff. Absolutely amazing. The page where Superman, Booster Gold and Green Lantern show up is fantastic. Artwise it is beautiful and it sums up the ultimate coolness of Batman in just a few lines of dialogue. I looked at that page (and all the others, really) over and over. BOY, I wish you were doing this whole mini!
I just wanted to say that The Return of Bruce Wayne #1 wouldn't have been nearly as good, if you hadn't done it.
Some panels were jaw dropping, I especially loved the one where Bruce(in bat head gear) is standing over Savage. Bruce turning to walk away and looking down at him was just perfect.
Thanks, everybody! Wednesday was thrilling and nerve-wracking--I'll probably do a write-up about the Chicago signing as a proper post later. There was such negativity when the book was first announced that I had no idea how this thing would be received!
Hey Chris!
Just read RoBW # 1 and it was all I wished for and much more!
You excel at historical settings, even when there is nothing but sticks and stones to use as backgrounds! ;-)
I'd have loved you doing the complete series.
It was due time you returned to the DC Universe, hope to see much more of you doing DC heroes.
Did a very positive review of the issue in my blog (it's in spanish but says good things, believe me!)
Looking forward to Robots of Doom! I'm a sucker for alternate timelines!
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