Finally! I can now talk about what I've been working on since finishing Number of the Beast and that still unpublished Deathblow story! DC/Wildstorm at long last announced that Peter Hogan and I are working on a new Tom Strong limited series, Tom Strong and the Robots of Doom. Click HERE to be taken to a little news story announcing the project. The plan is to do more of these mini-series if this first one is successful, so that Tom Strong can live on--Hellboy-style--as an ongoing series of self-contained mini-series. Robots of Doom is well underway (we're at the half-way point), and since the first issue won't be solicited until I'm 90% finished with the entire series(according to editor Ben Abernathy), every issue will ship on time.
I cannot adequately express how excited I am to be working on Tom Strong again! I'm loving it and I'm giving it my all. I'll start showing off some art from the series soon.
fantastic news! i've missed the big galoot so. :) and i hope steve moore could do a series too, i always enjoyed his young tom strong stories.
WooHoo! I can't wait to see you back on TS.
This is excellent!
I've been feeding my Tom Strong hardcovers to a friend as a follow-up to Watchmen, and re-reading them myself in the process. I'm so psyched for some new material!
Can't wait, Tom Strong is my favourite series of all time. Fantastic world.
I think stating the magnitude of my excitement at this point would be moot. I've said it many times here already.
Are you bringing some pages to Toronto?
Great news! I'll see about bugging DC to let me talk about it on
Thanks, everybody, for the enthusiastic responses! As for bringing art to Toronto, Kyle, I'll have photocopies of at least the first 3 complete issues and all 6 covers, plus copies of the inks for the first issue and possibly some unfinished abandoned original pages from the project. I'll start posting art here soon, but I want to make sure DC/Wildstorm won't ask me to take it down first, as they did with the Number of the Beast character designs when I began posting them.
This is great news. Tom Strong was an all time fave of mine. Best of luck for a loooooong happy run.
Cant wait to see this!! Your run on Tom Strong was one of the most inspiring art I own. I am so happy you are going back to him!!!!
your ALL shows my friend. Excellent work!
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